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Address/Location : 30 Pitt Street, Sydney, New South Wales 2000, Australia.
Property description : 33-storey hotel building with central atrium comprising 595 rooms including 3 levels of basement with car parking bays.
Property type : Hotel
Age : Approximately 35 years
Title details : Lot 1 in Deposited Plan 804285 in the Local Government Area of Sydney, Parish of St James and County of Cumberland.
Encumbrances/Limitation in title/ interest : The property is charged to secure financing and there is no restriction attached to the title.
Status of holdings : Freehold
Existing use : Commercial building
Parking spaces : Approximately 45 bays
Average occupancy rate : 86.30%
Date of acquisition : 29 November 2012
Cost of acquisition (including incidentals) : AUD264,618,000
Fair value adjustments for the financial year : AUD16,741,000 or RM51,559,000
Market value : AUD506,000,000
Date of latest valuation : 31 May 2024
Independent valuer : CIVAS (NSW) Pty Limited
Net book value : RM1,578,787,000